Artist Interview Series with Andrew Rutter: Sean Kelly

Having followed Sean Kelly’s career over 30 years, Andrew thought it was important to capture on film the career of an important Australian musical icon.

“I was fortunate that Sean agreed to meet me, sit for an artist portrait and submit to a revealing interview about his career. Hopefully what we have captured on video is a sense of how huge his band the Models were in the 1980’s and how enduring Sean Kelly’s legacy is in the history of the Australian music scene.” – Andrew Rutter

One thought on “Artist Interview Series with Andrew Rutter: Sean Kelly

  1. Comment
    I happened upon this interview, due to having stumbled on a song by Sean Kelly that I immediately fell in love with, after hearing just two lines, while driving back to Chicago. I had jotted down the lyric, “Landing on the Sidewalk” and the name Sean Kelly. That was in 2009. Tonight, sorting through some things, I found this note to myself. I have a habit of choosing my favorite song of the year every year, and it’s just a little activity I like to keep up. Anyways, this looked like it could be “the one,” so I looked it up, and then watched your entire interview. What a great interview with a gracious, sincere, and lovely musician! Thank you!

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