1st Double A Side Melbourne SOLD OUT! ::: New Date Added!

The Harbour Agency Presents

Models + Boom Crash Opera

Double A Side Tour 2024/25 Update

MODELS and Boom Crash Opera‘s Double A Side Tour has already SOLD OUT their first show in Melbourne.

Music fans have spoken with their wallets – the chance to see these two legendary live performers on the one bill is irresistible.

To satisfy this unrelenting demand, a second Melbourne show has been added: at Saint Kilda’s Prince Bandroom on 26 April 2025.

Connoisseurs of fine music take note … tickets have sold out once. Do you really want to be ‘that guy’ who said “I’ll book those tickets later”.

We all know what we like about ‘that guy’.

Not a lot.

Links for all shows are listed on the Gigs & Tours page. Book your tickets now.



When they formed, Models were hailed as one of the most innovative and imaginative Australian bands. Four decades later, nothing has changed.

Well, that’s not quite right – a lot of things have changed, but not the band’s approach to making music.

Models have always done things their own way.

As the authors of The 100 Best Australian Albums (which featured Models’ The Pleasure Of Your Company) stated: “Melbourne electronic outfit Models followed a distinctly perverse and disjointed course from the outset.”

The band actually had a “no singles” policy when they started – which annoyed Molly Meldrum. In 1980, Molly stopped his car on busy Chapel Street in Melbourne when he spotted a couple of Models. “He blocked traffic for several minutes to berate us,” singer Sean Kelly chuckles, “telling us that we were doing no one any favours and that our song ‘Happy Birthday IBM’ could’ve been a hit!”

(Molly didn’t hold a grudge, later calling Models “one of my favourite bands from the Countdown era”.)

Models rescinded their “no singles” policy with their second album, Local &/or General, and their chart-topping run of hits includes I Hear Motion, Big On Love, Barbados and Out Of Mind Out Of Sight.

Models are that rare breed of bands – one that has successfully straddled critical acclaim, cult appeal and commercial success.

“Alongside The Boys Next Door/The Birthday Party, Models were one of the first Melbourne bands to rise out of the ashes of that city’s hothouse punk/new wave explosion of the late 1970s with a clear vision and wider appeal,” says Ian McFarlane, author of The Encyclopedia Of Australian Rock And Pop.

Models were inducted into the ARIA Hall of Fame in 2010.

“We might go into hibernation occasionally – actually, quite a lot,” Sean Kelly says, “but we have never broken up.”

Models have continued to record, recently releasing two EPs, GTK and MEMO. And live, the band pays tribute to the pop genius of James Freud, who died in 2010.

The songs still sound fresh. “We don’t think of them as being old,” Andrew Duffield says.

Models never go out of style


About Boom Crash Opera

These here are crazy times. But Boom Crash Opera are one band you can rely upon.

The producer of their debut album told them: “The most important thing a group can do is stay together. Keep it together and you can do anything you want.

Boom Crash Opera took those words to heart, proudly becoming one of Australia’s most-loved bands, with 13 Top 50 singles and five Top 50 albums.

As founding member Peter Farnan says, “We sounded like our name.” It’s an intoxicating mix of indie pop and stadium rock, with unforgettable hits such as

‘Great Wall’, ‘Hands Up In The Air’, ‘City Flat’, ‘Onion Skin’ ‘Get Out Of The House’, ‘The Best Thing’ and ‘Dancing In The Storm’.

Nearly four decades after the band began, the start of ‘Onion Skin’ remains an irresistible rallying cry:

Keep it in! Cut it out! Kick it out!